Lab Members Alix, Xavier, Steve, and Jaby attended the Lakeside Conference on Protein Toxins and Effectors at The Abbey Resort, Wisconsin (Oct 6-9).

Congratulations to Dr. Bri Steiert on successfully defending her thesis: Elucidation of the Chlamydia trachomatis - Host Interactome.

Our summer REU student, Larissa Cooper, presented her poster at the Summer Undergraduate Research Conference.

Lab members Mary, Paige, and Bri attended the American Society for Rickettsiology Conference in Colonial Williamsburg, VA (July 13-16, 2024).

Congratulations to Paige for being awarded the 2024 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship!
New funding announcement!

2023 - 2024
Two of our undergraduate students, Jawad and Kellyann, presented their posters at the Summer Undergraduate Research Conference.

Lab members Mary, Paige, and Bri attended the American Society for Rickettsiology in Snowbird, Utah (July 8-11, 2023).

Congratulations to Mary for her promotion and for receiving tenure!!
Congratulations to Paige and other members of the lab for their publication in Infection and Immunology!

Read the published paper here!
Congratulations to Bri and other members of the lab for their publication in PNAS!

Read the published paper here!
Many of our lab members attended the biennial Chlamydia Basic Research Conference (CBRS) in Omaha, NE (March 19-23, 2023).

Many lab members attended the Midwest Microbial Pathogenesis Conference and Lakeside Toxins and Effectors Conference in Wisconsin.

Lab members Bri and Mary attended the Gordon Research Conference on Microbial Toxins and Pathogenicity in Southbridge, Massachusetts.

Our outstanding undergraduate, Caro, was just appointed to the Iowa Biosciences Academy. Way to go Caro!!!

Super excited to share our latest funding news.

Congratulations to Alix, Robert, and Shelby on their new paper in PLOS Pathogens!

New Funding Announcement!

Big congratulations to our amazing undergraduate student Shelby Andersen!!! Shelby is the winner of this year's Stinski fellowship.

Shelby will be working on identifying and characterizing Chlamydia trachomatis type III secreted effector proteins. Read more about Shelby and the Stinkski Fellowship.